ZEIT Portraits »Wer Sind Sie?«
Since October 2019, I have the honor of photographing the portrait column »Wer sind Sie?« every week for the »Entdecken« section of the german newspaper DIE ZEIT. I am looking for everyday people in Germany who have an interesting story to tell and present them with a portrait. The following are the first twenty portraits as they appeared in the newspaper and below you find a selection with some variations and the texts (only in german). Part two and new portraits for the column you can find here.

Franz-Josef Becker — from the ZEIT issue 13/2020

Salome Habte — from the ZEIT issue 11/2020

Julia Strowski — from the ZEIT issue 49/2019

Patrica Zernik – from the ZEIT issue 44/2019

Rolf Perau — from the ZEIT issue 04/2020

Inge Spoerer — from the ZEIT issue 02/2020

Britta Görtz — from the ZEIT issue 52/2019

Juri Schäffer — from the ZEIT issue 51/2019

Ramona Schaper — from the ZEIT issue 47/2019

Carmen Krämer — from the ZEIT issue 46/2019

Sarah Jehle — from the ZEIT issue 10/2020

Peter Schedalke — from the ZEIT issue 45/2019

Greetings to all the people I have met and photographed so far. I love you all. And to the editors who made this super nice job possible for me. I dedicate this project to my deceased friend and mentor Petra. Every week the latest issue of DIE ZEIT was lying on her kitchen table. ❤

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