Als ob d' Chef net da wär
My friend Yannick lives in a - let’s say - peculiar place, where everything is a little twisted and turned upside down. His great-grandfather, who was a famous civil engineer built all the houses the family is still living in - Yannick also once again - his mother and grandfather next door in separate houses. Everything is connected through the cellar. Past, present and future build a physical network.

Down the rabbit hole.
You'll find the traces of the past.
The lived surrealism.
And stories told over generations.
Heritage, nostalgia, coming of age, fail, keep trying and making it your own way in the end.
Creating a new individual kingdom.

The project is photographed collaboratively with Michael Schmidtmann and in addition developed together with Yannick Blum, who is simultaneous the main protagonist. Jointly we tinkered this scrolling dummy object.

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If you are into facts and bureaucracy have a look at my impressum.